If you do not work on them adequately under the proper guidance, some skills may hold both you and your career down. Business Writing is one of those skills that looks very simple on the surface yet, and it requires the proper training and guidance to master. That is why we have included it alongside the various other programs at Poise Nigeria

Writing is much work. That is why most business ideas do not see the light of the day because penning it down is simply much work to the owners of these ideas. When they find themselves fumbling for words yet, it is a skill you need to cultivate if you must succeed because you will lose time, money, and influence if your emails, proposals, and other vital considerations fail to endear people to you. So how do you get them endeared to you? You only know by getting the proper training with the correct writing, of course, and how do you do the right thing to write? Again, you only know by attending the appropriate training. 

Our training on Business Writing gives you the tools you need to express your ideas clearly and persuasively so clients, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners will get hooked at first glance of your mail or proposal. 

This training will help you.

  • Push past writer’s block
  • Grab and keep readers’ attention. 
  • Earn credibility with demanding audiences 
  • Trim the fat from your writing. 
  • Strike the right tone 
  • Brush up on grammar, punctuation, and general coordination. 

After the training, you will be able to;

  • Identify specific presentation techniques for various business documents, including letters, memos, e-correspondence, reports, proposals, and the method of preparing these documents for your intended audience. 
  • Communicate to your audience effectively. 
  • Find it easier and quicker to write for business purposes. 
  • Feel confident choosing and maintaining an appropriate tone.
  • Know how to create clear, cohesive, concise, and accurate documents. 
  • Know how to avoid common writing mistakes. 

In General, it makes you a better writer so you can express exactly how you feel and what you think without boring people or losing your audience. 

The program runs for Just Three Days!