Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Workplace (ICSW)


Have you ever felt you’re not getting through to the person you’re talking to, or not coming across the way you intend? You’re not alone.

Our ICSW programme explains why we’re often misunderstood and how we can fix that. Most of us assume that other people see us as we see ourselves, and that they see us as we truly are. But neither is true.

Our everyday interactions are coloured by subtle biases that distort how others see us–and also shape our perceptions of them.

You can learn to clarify the message you’re sending once you understand the lenses that shape perception: Trust–Are you friend or foe; Power–How much influence do you have over me?; Ego–Do you make me feel insecure?

Based on our years of experience in the service industry, we will explain how these lenses affect our interactions–and how to manage them.

Once you understand the science of perception, you’ll communicate more clearly, send the messages you intend to send, and improve your personal relationships.

You’ll also become a fairer and more accurate judge of others.

The ICSW programme is not just about making a good impression, although it will certainly help you do that. It’s about coming across as you intend.

It’s about the authenticity we all strive for.


  • Build greater confidence in managing and responding to a range of workplace communication scenarios.
  • Learn physical and vocal techniques to support effective workplace communication.
  • Have a greater awareness of unique communication style.
  • Learn strategies to successfully plan and deliver workplace communications.
  • Learn how to receive adequate feedback.

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