
Business Etiquette in the Corporate World

Course Overview

“The single greatest barrier to international business success is the one created by culture, and 60% of a culture is found in its nonverbal messages.”- Edward T. Hall

Are your PEOPLE projecting a professional image consistent with your Company’s Image, Brand Value and Vision?

What differentiates a successful organization are its LEADERSHIP and PEOPLE – employees.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the universal principles of protocol, etiquette, courtesy and manners
  • Promoting panache and savvy
  • Maintaining positive professional image
  • Navigating and manage interpersonal dynamics
  • Creating a better fit between the office and the person
  • Increasing a flair for International interactions
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and formal occasions


  • Importance of First Impressions
  • Making an Entrance
  • Board Room Protocol
  • Tech Etiquette
  • Dress For Success
  • Dining Like a Diplomat

Bonus: 1 Hour KSS (On Future’s Literacy) for organizations enrolling 5 – 10 participants for training

Business Etiquette in the Corporate World

Duration: 1 Day
Discount: 5% (individual), 10% (3 persons), 15% (5-10 Persons)


Poise Business Image Consulting
