
Enhancing Your Selling Skills for Sales Success

Course Overview

The competition in the marketplace is increasing as margins decrease and consumers become more discerning. This sales course will help to increase sales, gain loyal customers, overcome objections, and grow a business with professionalism and enthusiasm.

The Sales Training Course helps sharpen the skills of even experienced sales representatives enabling them to take advantage of sales opportunities and aggressively expand the business. By providing an environment where they can make mistakes and learn from them, organisations can benefit from having sales representatives who can make the greatest impact facing their customers on a daily basis.

Course Objectives

  • Interpret prospect needs by conducting a needs analysis
  • Master active listening techniques to better connect with & understand clients
  • Manage the sales process by understanding where the sale is & how to keep the (mirroring, leading representational bias, tie-downs, & tag-ons)
  • Deliver presentations that sell
  • Handle objections professionally & effectively
  • Master highly effective closing techniques


  • Understanding the Sales Process
  • Setting Smart Sales Goals
  • Getting Prepared to make the Call
  • Creative Call Openings
  • Active Listening
  • Delivering Presentations that SELL
  • Managing the Sale
  • Handling Sales Objections
  • Closing the Sale
  • Manage your pipeline

Duration: 2 days

Enhancing Your Selling Skills for Sales Success


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