Etiquette-Driven Customer Experience (EDCE)


In today’s customer-centric business environment, one thing is clear. Customer expectations are on the rise, and there’s an increasing demand on brands to deliver at every level of the organization. One important component of delivering a winning customer experience is navigating the difference between the customer experience and customer service.

Customer Experience (CX) is the new battleground

More companies are paying attention to the customer experience than ever before. In fact, Gartner notes: “More than two-thirds of marketers say their companies compete mostly on the basis of ‘’Customer Experience’’, according to the 2017 Gartner Customer Experience in Marketing Survey. And in two years’ time, 81% say they expect to be competing mostly or completely on the basis of ‘’Customer Experience.”

According to McKinsey, many companies have looked at customer service as a cost center, rather than a source of competitive advantage.

Offering your customers, the best CX means improving delivery on every front. For many organizations, that journey begins with mapping customer service vs customer experience. While the CX encompasses all aspects of your business, focusing on improving customer service and gathering insights from the front line of your CX can help your organization delight customers.


  • Equip you with skills on how to create positive customer experience.
  • Apply contemporary knowledge on etiquette – related customer experience to keep the customer coming back.
  • Understand who and what your customers really are to you and your organisation
  • Delight your customers and manage them with excellent luminous skills for retention and repeat patronage
  • Learn new pointers and guidelines in delighting your customers.
  • Shift your paradigm on how best to offer value to customers.
  • Remind and reinforce the importance of courtesy, manners, trust, integrity, and reliability in delivering customer experience and portraying a professional image necessary for developing your organization.

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